The event is a “scenario-based” debate focused on the current state of affairs of the Global Monetary Policy Landscape and the key defining factors should a hypothetical monetary reset unfold with the objective to reach a peaceful consensus.



    Next Edition on 25 May 2022

    Davos, Switzerland

  • About the Event

    In a Post-Pandemic World, the situation looks increasingly similar to the 1930s’ Great Depression. The Monetary Reset 2022 will explore the topics of high inflation, digital acceleration, and economic transformation in a world of unsustainable debt levels and geopolitical tensions. 


    These topics and much more will be discussed in the excellent cross-sector panels involving international organisations, public/private sector, academia, and think-tanks. The scenario-based event aims to give different perspectives regarding a potential Global Monetary Reset.


  • Monetary Reset Game - The Players

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    Western Aligned Block

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    Private Sector

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    International Organizations

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    Eastern Aligned Block

  • Participants

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    Thierry Arys Ruiz

    Chairman & CEO, AgAu AG I Founder of Tarco Think Tank

    Thierry Arys Ruiz is the founder of AgAu.io: The Peer-to-Peer, Electronic Money System backed by Ag (Silver) and Au (Gold) in Switzerland. Thierry has worked for major trading houses and financial institutions such as Trafigura, LUKOIL, Scotia Capital, ICAP and Credit Suisse. Mr. Arys Ruiz is a member of Mensa International and a Venture-Philanthropist with TARCO.ngo . As the founder of the event, he will moderate the MONETARY RESET FORECASTS PANEL  as well as the Round Table.

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    Ekkehard Ernst

    AI specialist at ILO | President of Geneva Macro Labs & Future of Work

    Ekkehard Ernst is President of the Geneva Macro Labs that explores innovative ways of building up global cooperation. Along with it, he also works and analyses the Future of Work at the International Labour Organization. He will moderate the MONETARY/ TRADE IMPLICATIONS PANEL.

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    Emi Lorincz

    Director of Sales and Business Development at Ledger | Board Member of Bancor

    Emi Lorincz made a career in financial services and trading, in the past years she dedicated herself to increasing the usage and adoption of digital assets. Mrs. Lorincz is a Director of Sales and Business Development for the enterprise-grade storage solution designed by Ledger. She is serving on the council of the Bancor Foundation and on the board of the Crypto Valley Association. She will share her expert opinion in the MONETARY / TECHNOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS PANEL. 


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    James Zhang 

    Senior Director | Investment & Enterprise |


    James X. Zhan is the director of investment and enterprise at UNCTAD. He leads the team of the World Investment Report and is editor-in-chief of the Transnational Corporations journal. He chairs the Governing Board of the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative He will share his expertise within the


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    Jean Marc Seigneur

    Director CAS DLT & Blockchain | University of Geneva | Academic Member | UN ITU

    Jean Marc Seigneur is a Director of the Certificate of Advanced Studies on Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Decentralized Finance at the University of Geneva. He is also an Academic member of the ITU (International Telecomunication Union) and a Member of the College of Reviewers for the European Science Foundation. He will share his expert opinion in the MONETARY / TECHNOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS PANEL.


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    Guenther Dobrauz

     Partner& Leader PwC Legal Switzerland | Member of PwC’s Global

     Legal Leadership Team  

    Guenther Dobrauz is a Partner at PwC Zurich and Leader of PwC Legal Switzerland where he and his team are building the law firm of the future. He also is one of seven members of PwC’s Global Legal Leadership Team and PwC Legal’s Global LegalTech Leader. Prior to this he was a successful Venture Capitalist, served as in-house counsel at an international hedge fund, and practiced in court and with a leading business law firm. He will share his expert opinion in the MONETARY RESET FORECASTS PANEL.


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    Dustin Plantholt

    Editor “Crypto” | Forbes Monaco | 

    Founder Crypterns.com 

    Dustin Plantholt is a Crypto Editor, Bitcoin.com Podcast Host & Internationally recognized MetaVerse/Blockchain/Crypto Advisor. He is a founder of Founder Crypterns.com. Also, a host of the world-renowned inspirational “Life’s Tough” podcast.  He will moderate the


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  • Partners

    Industry leaders and high-level organizations are teaming up to create the first edition of The Monetary Reset 2020

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    Event Founders


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    Event Founders

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    Founding Partners

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    Founding Partners 


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    Event Organizer

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    Forbes Monaco

    Event Partners